17.0.0 MINERVA Release
02 Apr 2024
Backward incompatibility:
- Tomcat dependency removed
- Functionality of String Annotator moved to Uniprot Annotator as they were using the same source database
- Generating of pdf does not use itext
- Select mode removed
- Split semantic zoom removed
- Support for TransparencyZoomLevelVisibility removed (SemanticZoomLevelTransparency should be used)
- “don’t care” residues are renamed to “unspecified”
- After uploading data overlay the summary email will not be sent anymore
- CAN_CREATE_OVERLAYS permission removed - every user has possibility to create accounts
- Functionality of Stitch Annotator moved to Chebi Annotator as they were using the same source database
- Merge API endpoint clears bioEntity notes by default, there is possibility to override this behaviour by using custom header: “X-MINERVA-KEEP-NOTES: true”
- Login via orcid ID oauth2 is supported
- User registration is added
- Possibility to archive project
- Minerva is compatible with java 17
- Cached data is automatically refreshed after information is expired, for example information from drug db
- inchi and inchikey in chemicals are represented as annotation
- When exporting to SBGN provide dimension of the map
- In admin panel changing details of user are reflected automatically in the list of user
- Export to sbgn provide map id
- Export/import to GPML supports map name
- Project API provides info if the project is defined as default in config
- Border width from source file (like CellDesigner) is used when drawing elements
- When minerva shutdowns unexpectedly try to restart minerva for at most 3 times within 10 minutes
- JAVA_ARGS in /etc/minerva/minerva.properties are used when starting minerva
- When importing from CellDesigner coordinates of coding region in a gene were incorrectly computed
- Export to SBML did not provide text label for CodingRegion and RegulatoryRegion
- Export as pdf map with some glyphs was broken
- HGNC changed url format - all identifiers.org links must be refreshed
- When browsing map without background guest user was able to click add overlay button
- Invalid columns were marked as sortable in user list panel
- Refresh of DAPI data did not work properly
- Download genomes stopped working (http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/ is down)
- Upload of invalid javascript plugin was throwing exception
- UCSC changed the way that data is accessed and genomics download stopped working
- Export to CellDesigner should not put notes in Antisense RNA, Gene and RNA - the notes are already in Species
- Adding new project format *.sbml did not change Type in Add project window
- Reactions imported from CellDesigner and attached to the corner of drug were misaligned