16.3.0 MINERVA Release
14 Dec 2023
Small improvement:
new miriam type is handled: BioKC
possibility to find anchors by the target map
import/export of GPML support authors data
import/export of SBGN-ML support authors data
import/export of SBGN-ML support map dimension
import/export of GPML support Last-Modify date
import from GPML parse information about KEGG Pathway Identifier (like in pathway WP2118)
import from GPML parse information about Reactome Pathway Identifier (like in pathway WP3165)
LOADING icon when initializing export TAB added
allow to login to DAPI by press key Enter
link to home of API-docs in API-docs
provide server-side Stack Trace when reporting error
merge API can produce zip if requested
performance of returning elements improved
when uploading SBML file without auto-resize dimension of the map was set to values that could not be visualized properly in browser
uniprot urls (for example https://purl.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q8NEZ2) passed as miriam identifiers are parsed properly
export of map annotation in SBGN did not work
import/export of SBGN-ML authors data did not work
upload of Wikipathways WP4657 was impossible
special character in annotation id (like “HGNC_SYMBOL:&SNCA” generated corrupted GPML on export)