16.1.0 MINERVA Release
3 Feb 2022
- Possibility to register the map in MINERVA-NET.
Small improvement:
The list of reaction types in Info Tab > EXPORT > NETWORK is now simplified.
Export as image allows to define the size of an image.
The progress bar on a project upload is changed into more verbose statements.
AVOGADRO unit type from SBML format is parsed properly.
Data overlays have automatically generated legend.
The list of users is upgraded with information about currently logged in users.
Possibility to provide the image coords for Show overview as json file.
Possibility to show reaction’s name.
Export to SBML provides information about parent-child complex relation using multi package.
API converter is case insensitive for the name of a file.
Modification residues can use different color then species if format allows (SBGN, SBML).
Element id is shown in search results in the left panel.
There is possibility to provide custom CSS style in Configuration: Legend and Logo.
API provides information about modifier type.
map file for JavaScript is properly referenced.
Z-index for modification residues and structural states is imported from SBML file if available.
Debian installation creates
file that is readable only by tomcat user -
Import/export of the text objects in SBML is supported.
CellDesigner texts inside Layer Text with the name “text” are visible on the map and not transformed into pathways.
When free space on device drops under 10MB images will not be generated to prevent using all space on HDD.
Additional validation to REST input added.
Validation for
added when creating project using API. -
Additional SBGN-ML glyphs are supported: biological activity, outcome, entity, observable, interaction.
Additional SBGN-ML reactions are supported: interaction, positive influence, negative influence, unknown influence, absolute stimulation, absolute inhibition.
- Additional annotations are supported - check them out here.
API endpoints were exposed without ‘api’ prefix.
Anonymous user could upload file using API.
When passing JSON in patch/post methods
was not checked. -
API does not allow to create plugin with wrong
md5 hash
. -
Currently, when exporting to CellDesigner make sure that
layer id
is numeric. -
Pathway name was not drawn if there was an element with the same name contained inside that pathway.
Help dialog is closed automatically after Add Project dialog is closed.
Minerva root url must be valid url pointing to Minerva instance.
There were missing lines when exporting truncation and dissociation reaction to GPML.
Some SBML files were recognized as CellDesigner files during upload.
The middle of any reaction line was not highlighted.
When accessing data from cache in parallel, sometimes an unexpected exception was thrown.
Transcription factor color is set to black in background Empty.
Modifier line end points were not modified when importing from SBGN, there was a gap displayed between line end point and process box.