15.0.3 MINERVA Release

13 Aug 2020


  • Caching chemicals and drugs data on large map could cause “Out of Memory” issues.

  • Currently, if a problem with MINERVA deployment on tomcat occurs, a proper warning message is presented in Administrator panel.

  • API call Update user preferences did not handle properly conflicts on new GUI properties (e.g. columns sorting order).

  • bqbiol:hasTaxon relation type is not supported by CellDesigner. Currently, during export that relation is transformed to bqbiol:occursIn, which is readable by CellDesigner.

  • Concurrency issue, that could happen rarely on the first search of the map, and put the project into “unsearchable” state, is fixed.

  • If edit project button was clicked on a project, that was removed in another browser’s tab, an error was thrown. Currently, the warning message dialog is displayed.

  • ChEBI and Entrez Gene annotations were incorrectly exported to GPML.

  • Exporting to GPML sometimes resulted in invalid location of modification end point for catalysis.

  • The elements names (e.g. &) were not escaped properly when exporting to GPML.

  • The reaction containing description (comment) and PubMed reference was incorrectly exported to GPML.

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