13.1.0 MINERVA Release
27 June 2019
Feature enhancements:
Currently, the annotators are more flexible. During adding a new project, the user can define a set of parameters (inputs and outputs) used by the annotators.
The changes made in Admin panel are saved automatically. Previously, to save the changes, clicking Save button was necessary.
The elements (species, compartments, pathways) can have custom glyphs (an images provided by user) used for the visualization.
Small improvements:
In data overlay columns, the parameter model_name is renamed to map_name.
In genetic variant data overlay the following terms are deprecated: name, type, reference_genome_type and reference_genome_version.
All bio entities have Z-index associated with them. Z-index allows on defining the position of the element in relation to other elements (front or back to them).
Export from/import to SBML supports Z-index in the LAYOUT extension.
The validation of the organism id and disease id during the map upload is added.
The username is displayed next to logout button in the Admin panel.
A new comment dialog is empty by default. Previously, it contained the content of the previous comment dialog.
The logo displayed in the left bottom corner of the map is configurable.
The list of the element types in Select annotators dialog is sorted alphabetically.
Plugin API provides the list of the overview images.
Plugin API allows to show/hide overview images.
Plugin API allows to trigger search on the map.
Plugin API allows to clear the search results on map.
Edit/Remove project button is disabled until a project is uploaded.
The warning “Caps lock is on” is visible on the login page when necessary.
The names of the columns in data overlay are unified: no whitespace, instead here is the underscore _ used as the separator.
The list of the references in the Drug panel contains PubMed prefix.
The list of the projects is auto refreshed every 5 seconds in case at least one of the projects is uploading/removing.
The passwords to the email accounts and LDAP are not available over API.
The reactant/product/modifier specific colors are parsed properly from the CellDesigner file.
Info tab contains information about the disease and the organism, if that information is provided.
Info tab provides information about the model annotations and the Submap tab provides the information about submaps annotations, if applicable.
Uploading the SBML file automatically discover the type of file.
In case the plugin listeners crash, the system notifies the user about that problem with the plugin.
Export of the reaction and the elements can be filtered by a (sub)map.
During the first opening of a map, the zoom level is optimized automatically, in case there is no default zoom level provided.
In Add project dialog, the columns: Root map, Mapping file and Map type are merged.
The admin is allowed to disable the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing check.
TransparencyZoomLevelVisibility parameter is renamed to SemanticZoomLevelTransparency.
Bugs fixed:
Due to blocking of our requests from ctdbase, the auto-complete for this database is disabled.
The deprecated columns in the data overlay are not visible to the end user.
The invalid color parameters in the data overlay provides a proper feedback to the user.
Genetic variant overlay without the name provided caused problems.
TAIR locus identifiers were used improperly to get annotations - instead of id the name was used.
Plugin tab header was not properly resized after adding plugins that introduced second line for the tabs selection. It caused some plugin tabs were hidden.
The invisible layer (in CellDesigner) are not shown on the map. Previously, these layers overlapped the pathways generated by MINERVA.
Redirect URL from Export panel was fixed. Before, that URL directed to the default map instead of the map user was browsing.
Allow to re-upload the same data overlay file without closing the Add overlay dialog.
gene_name column is allowed only in the genetic variant data overlay.
The protein types are sorted alphabetically in Select valid annotations dialog.
If there is a description of a (sub)map, it is available in Info/Submap panel.
In data overlay the column type might be empty now. Previously, uploading an data overlay with type empty crashed that upload.
Genetic variants data overlay was ignoring the color parameter, thus the map was colored only by the default colors.
Asynchronous calls on showing/hiding data overlays might cause problems due to network latency.
The progress bar of upload the Genome mapping is refreshing properly.
While editing the project, disease id and organism id can be removed now.
The dashed line was displayed partially as continuous one in “Unknown Catalysis and Unknown Inhibition reactions.
The Unknown Catalysis and Unknown Inhibition reaction end is slightly separated from the targeted phenotype.
Currently, the order of the genomes list in Admin panel does not change after refreshing page.
Starting of the MolArt was crashed in case MolArt started with gene variant overlay that does not contain the amino_acid_change column.
Export map to CellDesigner preserves the font size.
The layout data was ignored for some reactions during import from SBML.