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MINERVA warnings on project upload

Warnings generated by automatic annotation

Warning type Explanation
[Annotator] annotation problem [Annotator] (e.g. HGNC) could not retrieve correct information for this element or interaction. The probable reason is wrong manual annotation, or name, of this element or interaction
Cannot find information for element. None of the assigned annotators were able to retrieve information for this element or interaction. The probable reason is wrong manual annotation, or name, of this element or interaction.
Chemical name cannot be found in ChEBI: [name] ChEBI annotator could not annotate the element or interaction correctly by name, as [name] is not a ChEBI-recognized name. The annotation by manually provided identifier may still be successful.
Former symbols list different than default [list]. Ignoring Existing annotation of an element (list of symbols) is different than the [list] retrieved by one of the assigned annotators.
New full name different than default [full name]. Ignoring. Existing annotation of an element (full name) is different than the [full name] retrieved by one of the assigned annotators.
New symbol different than default [symbol]. Ignoring. Existing annotation of an element (symbol) is different than the [symbol] retrieved by one of the assigned annotators.
Synonyms list different than default [list]. Ignoring. Existing annotation of an element (list of synonyms) is different than the [list] retrieved by one of the assigned annotators.

Warnings generated by verification of manual annotation

Warning type Explanation
contains invalid annotations:[annotation] Configuration in **Validate manual annotations** did not foresee [annotation] as allowed for this element or interaction.
misses one of the following annotations:[list]. Configuration in **Validate manual annotations** required one of [list] of annotations for this element or interaction, but none was found.
misses annotations. No annotation exists for this element or interaction.
Unknown miriam uri: [MIRIAM type] An element or interaction was annotated with [MIRIAM type] - this type of identifier is currently not handled.

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