Adverse Drug Reactions plugin
Adverse Drug Reactions is a plugin which allows one to explore adverse reactions of drugs which are interacting with entities present in given disease map.
Please bear in mind that the mapping between drugs and entities in the map is based on HGNC symbols. Thus, if entities in the map do not contain HGNC annotations, there will be no mapping available, i.e. you will not see any drugs in the table and icons in the map.
General instruction
In order to use the precompiled and publicly available version of the plugin, click on the plugin icon to open the dialog. Enter the following address in the URL box:
The plugin shows up in the plugins panel on the right hand side of the screen.
Plugin functionality
On plugin load, the plugin connects to a data source with drug-reactions information. Data set are based on the following article: A dataset of 200 structured product labels annotated for adverse drug reactions (click) .
Next, MINERVA drug search API is used to retrieve the information about the species in the map, which interact with any of the drugs in the previously loaded data source. (Note: MINERVA does the mapping based on HGNC annotations).
The data is loaded into a table in the plugin space and the species which interact with the uploaded drugs are highlighted by icons in the map.
The table is searchable and automatically synchronized with highlights in the map. If the content of the table is updated, the highlighted entities in the map are updated as well.
Data resources
The original source of the data in the plugin are the drug labels, which describe the basic information about the medicine, e.g. its application, who and how can use it or the specific safety concerns. The drug labels are prescribed information or package inserts, annotated manually for the adverse drugs reactions and mapped to MedDRA for the FDA TAC 2017 evaluation, (see the corresponding publication).
However, in order to decrease the required bandwidth, the plugin uses the modified version of this file, where only the relevant columns are taken into consideration.