1. Grant privilege
Grant access to the project.
1.1. Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
project identifier |
1.2. Request Fields
Path | Type | Description |
list of privileges to grant |
type of privilege (READ_PROJECT/WRITE_PROJECT) |
user login who should gain access |
1.3. CURL sample
$ curl 'https://minerva-service.lcsb.uni.lu/minerva/api/projects/test_project:grantPrivileges' -i -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[{"privilegeType":"READ_PROJECT", "login":"curator_user"}]' \
--cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx"
2. Revoke privilege
Revoke access to the project.
2.1. Path Parameters
Parameter | Description |
project identifier |
2.2. Request Fields
Path | Type | Description |
list of privileges to revoke |
type of privilege (READ_PROJECT/WRITE_PROJECT) |
user login who should lose access |
2.3. CURL sample
$ curl 'https://minerva-service.lcsb.uni.lu/minerva/api/projects/test_project:revokePrivileges' -i -X PATCH \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[{"privilegeType":"READ_PROJECT", "login":"curator_user"}]' \
--cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx"