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Conversion API provides access to MINERVA’s ability convert between different systems biology network formats and to export of layouts to different graphical formats.

Conversion to systems biology formats

List available formats

  • URL: /convert/
  • Method: GET or POST
  • Example:
  • Output: List of input and output format identifiers which can be used as values for the sourceFormat and targetFormat parameters in other convert API calls
    curl -X GET --cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx"

Convert network from an input format to an output format

  • URL: /convert/{sourceFormat}:{targetFormat}/
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
    • sourceFormat - input format (list of available formats be obtained from the /convert/ API)
    • targetFormat - input format (list of available formats be obtained from the /convert/ API)
  • Body: the input file to be converted
  • Example:
    curl -X GET --cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx" --data-binary @cell_designer.xml \
    -H "Content-Type: text/plain"

Conversion to image

List available formats

  • URL: /convert/image/
  • Method: GET or POST
  • Output: List of input and output format identifiers which can be used as values for the sourceFormat and targetFormat parameters in other convert API calls
  • Example:
    curl -X GET --cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx" \

Convert network from an input format to an output image

  • URL: /convert/image/{sourceFormat}:{targetFormat}/
  • Method: POST
  • Parameters:
    • sourceFormat - input format (list of available formats be obtained from the /convert/image/ API)
    • targetFormat - input format (list of available formats be obtained from the /convert/image/ API)
  • Body: the input file to be converted
  • Example:
    curl -X GET --cookie "MINERVA_AUTH_TOKEN=xxxxxxxx" --data-binary @cell_designer.xml \
    -H "Content-Type: text/plain" \